Moo Eliquides with Delicious Four Flavors:
Strawberry Milk : The ripest and sweetest strawberries bathe in this milky goodness to create one of the most potent liquids the drink category has every seen.
Vanilla Almond Milk : Moo Liquids invited a bunch of almonds over to watch the game and then vanilla crashed the festivities and started a fight. The result was vanilla and almond leaking everywhere. Milk demanded peace and hugged them all. That's the only way Moo Liquids could've pulled this one off.
Banana Milk : It's like bananas went to a milk pool party and forgot to go home. Moo Liquids tackles one of life's greatest goals getting more banana in your life. Vape this cool vape it hot the end result is a creamy ripe banana level of delicious you will find nowhere else.
Neapolitan : It's vanilla, no wait it's chocolate, actually it taste like strawberry ice cream! Blend those three flavors together with creamy milk and you'll have Moo Eliquids newest creation, Neapolitan Milk! Each and every single hit will leave you craving more and more.
Blueberry Milk :