High Voltage Detox Folli-Cleanse Shampoo is designed to remove toxin-related metabolites from the hair shaft. For best results, avoid unwanted toxins for at least 24 to 48 hours before use.
High Voltage Folli-Cleanse Shampoo is used just like any shampoo. Wash the night before or in the morning when you want fresh, clean, detoxified hair. If you have braids, dreads, thick or oily hair you may need to wash with your usual non-conditioning shampoo a few times, then rinse and repeat with High Voltage Folli-Cleanse Shampoo, scrubbing extra deep into your scalp. Effect last for up to 36 hours.
HIGH VOLTAGE | DETOX SALIVA CLEANSE MOUTHWASH Use High Voltage Saliva-Cleanse Mouthwash to remove toxins from your saliva for up to one hour. For best results, avoid unwanted toxins such as...
HIGH VOLTAGE | DETOX | DOUBLE FLUSH | 16OZ High Voltage Double Flush Liquid- is specially formulated with a unique blend of B-Vitamins, Creatine and numerous nutrients and h
HIGH VOLTAGE DETOX FLUSH CAPSULES | 6 PER BOX Need to flush toxins fast? High Voltage Detox Fast Flush Capsules are the best choice for you if you need to detox in a hurry. Effec
HIGH VOLTAGE | DETOX PERMANENT 5 DAY FLUSH | 160Z X 2 It is difficult to avoid toxins as they exist in the food and water we ingest as well as the air we breathe. However those pollutants can...