HIGH VOLTAGE | DETOX | DOUBLE FLUSH | 16OZ High Voltage Double Flush Liquid- is specially formulated with a unique blend of B-Vitamins, Creatine and numerous nutrients and h
HIGH VOLTAGE | DETOX SALIVA CLEANSE MOUTHWASH Use High Voltage Saliva-Cleanse Mouthwash to remove toxins from your saliva for up to one hour. For best results, avoid unwanted toxins such as...
HIGH VOLTAGE | DETOX | FOLLI CLEANSE SHAMPOO | 2OZ High Voltage Detox Folli-Cleanse Shampoo is designed to remove toxin-related metabolites from the hair shaft. For best results, avoid unwanted...
HIGH VOLTAGE DETOX FLUSH CAPSULES | 6 PER BOX Need to flush toxins fast? High Voltage Detox Fast Flush Capsules are the best choice for you if you need to detox in a hurry. Effec
HIGH VOLTAGE | DETOX PERMANENT 5 DAY FLUSH | 160Z X 2 It is difficult to avoid toxins as they exist in the food and water we ingest as well as the air we breathe. However those pollutants can...