The CoilART Pre-Build Coil presents a wide range of high performance coil designs that are now available in premade set of ten, featuring distinctive heating elements in different sizes and exotic configurations. It comes a plethora of options, with basic coil wraps such as Hive or Clapton build to incredibly unique heating pattern such as Staircase, Juggernaunt, or Taiji build. Each prebuilt coil are precisely machined with consistent weave throughout the wire, allowing for high level builds while offering user-friendly set-up. The CoilArt Pre-Built Coil are essential rebuildable material for performance-orientated builders.
Super Juggernaut - 0.3 Ohm
Staggered Fused - 0.4 Ohm
Super Clapton - 0.7 Ohm
Alien Clapton - 0.45 Ohm
Tiger - 0.36 Ohm
Fused Clapton - 0.45 Ohm