Grind your favorite herbs with this premium. Easy to take apart, easy to put together, with no mess to clean up after. This grinder has a chrome car rim look that gives you a more fast and furious type of vibe while you get your grind on. Made with Zinc Alloy and heavy duty construction.
• Pollen Collection Chamber • 6-Piece • Heavy Duty Construction • Zinc Alloy • Straight Blade Teeth • Diameter: 2” • Height: 2” • Scraper Included
CHROMIUM CRUSHER | PREMIUM GRINDER WITH REPLACEABLE PART | 2.5" | 6 PART | [170370CNC] Grind your favorite herbs with this premium. Easy to take apart, easy to put together, with no mess to...
CHROMIUM CRUSHER | 2 IN. | 4 PART VOLT GRINDER | [170192] For over 10 years, the Chromium Crusher grinder has consistently been the most affordable premium grinder on the market. Our grinder
CHROMIUM CRUSHER | 2IN. | 4 PART GRINDER | [170193] For over 10 years, the Chromium Crusher grinder has consistently been the most affordable premium grinder on the market. Our grinders have...
CHROMIUM CRUSHER | 2.5IN. | 4 PART GRINDER | [1CNC70084] For over 10 years, the Chromium Crusher grinder has consistently been the most affordable premium grinder on the market. Chromium...
CHROMIUM CRUSHER GRINDER | 4 PART VOLT GRINDER | 2.5" [1-70191] For over 10 years, the Chromium Crusher grinder has consistently been the most affordable premium grinder on the m