Beard Vapo Co. with 6 Different Amazing Flavors
Have you ever wondered about Beard Vape Co? It's probably one of the most iconic labels out there due to the distinctive logo. The name simply derived from one of the partner's fathers who has a huge beard, and thus his nickname is Beard. The name clicked one evening when they were all throwing the idea around about beginning an e-liquid company. Since then, they have also opened a shop in Culver City, California. They use a sterile mixing environment and all of their products are mixed using USA sourced food grade products and flavorings. They wanted to make flavors everyone could enjoy and relate to.
No.5 : New York style cheesecake with strawberries on top......Mmmmmmm
No. 24 : Salted caramel malt
No.32: We're told this tastes like a cinnamon funnel cake - so we're going with it.
No.51 : Vanilla Custard with a hint of chocolate
No.64: Creamy Hibiscus Cotton Candy
No.71: Sweet & Sour Sugar Peach
No.88: Literally a Girl Scout thin mint. Literally.